
arts & crafts

Tying the knot

By | arts & crafts, graphic eye candy | 7 Comments

Last week I finished this wedding invitation! It was so much fun to do. Vanessa, the bride and co-owner of SHPPR first saw the business card I made for Pauline from Petite Passport and that’s how I got to make her wedding invitation.

I love to do this so when you would like me to make you an invitation, businesscard, website design or whatever you can think of just send me an e-mail and we will work it out! Now I will start working on the website design for a very cool childrens’ clothing shop! Will show you soon.

ps; I think these buttons with the different colored threads will do nicely as a bracelet too. What do you think?

Van Rox

By | arts & crafts, jewelry | No Comments

Can’t help but always love the creative spirit of designers. The enthusiasm & passion always gets to me. What we call ‘doing your thing’.Enjoying something that fits you perfectly.

I have seen Rox’s work at Swanmarket for the first time and met her last week in her own temporarily shop at the Meent in Rotterdam for the first time. Just really like what she does, especially the crocheted necklaces. Check out ‘Van Rox’ here and here and pay a visit to her shop at Meent  133!

Big Big Big Things Ahead

By | arts & crafts, Lennebelle jewelry | 3 Comments

I met Rebecca (with Nike shoe!) from Big Things by chance in search for a nice shop in San Francisco. I just love her vibrant, eclectic and arty style and the Things she does. Big Things is about Rebecca’s discoveries and inspiration and meeting people who are about to do something BIG!

This week she posted an interview about ‘my Big Things Ahead’! You can read it here. She also organises these great litlle & Big events like Pop up shops and worshops where she also sells Made by lennebelle. I hope to visit San Francisco one day and meet Rebecca, that would be so much fun!

I wish I could capture the atmosphere of her website in the image above but it is best to visit Big Things yourself and don’t forget to pay a visit to the shop to check out all the unique items.

Enjoy your weekend! I will be exploring a city in the Netherlands I have never really been; Utrecht. Any reccomandations, tips, hotspots are welcome!

Scout & Catalogue

By | arts & crafts, fashion | 3 Comments

These scarfs and pouches are amazing! I love large scarfs made of soft fabric that you can wrap all around and that’s what these are! Taking a year off and going to Mexico is what inspired designer Breanna Musgrove from Canada to start Scout & Catalogue. And I love what Scout & Catalogue stands for ‘We strive to make pieces that remind you of afternoons at secret beaches, sun kissed skin, and all day siestas’. Don’t you just want that everyday!

Now the blog Live and Enliven is hosting a give away, a Nomad scarf by Schout Holliday. Wish me luck and sign up yourself!


By | arts & crafts | 3 Comments

Came across these pretty handcraft pieces via Wiksten Made. One of my new favourite blogs! They apparently are called God’s eye. I looked up the meaning and that makes these ‘fun to make yourself’ objects even nicer. The Ojo de Dios or God’s eye is a ritual tool, magical object, a cultural symbol evoking the weaving motif and its spiritual associations. In Mexico, the God’s Eye is symbolic of the power of seeing and understanding that which is unknown and unknowable, The Mystery. The four points represent the elemental processes earth, fire, air, and water.

These lovely pieces are made by Secret Holiday. Wish you all a magical weekend!

Needle in the haystack and Beter & Leuk

By | arts & crafts, Lennebelle jewelry, travel, wishfull shopping | 2 Comments

Needle in the haystack is a new online platform for young designers where you can find handmade and unique items from accesories, jewelry, fashion to interior. The website Nith (Needle in the haystack) will be online next week. Nith has it’s own corner in the cosy boutique and lunchroom Beter & Leuk (Better & Fun) in Amsterdam. Last sunday I went there for a delicious breakfast and to check out the display of Made by lennebelle!

Swanmarket upcoming weekend in Rotterdam!

By | arts & crafts, Lennebelle jewelry | One Comment

This is already the third edition of Swanmarket. This lifestyle market in Rotterdam is getting bigger and more fun every time. This time I will join and have my own marketstall. I am busy working on some small and specialy made pieces for the market. There are so many participants from in and around Rotterdam, check them all out here. Stylists, designers, artists who all have their own passion creating something unique. There are leather bags, stationery, cupcakes, jewelry, accesoiries, paintings, knitwork, biological food, ceramics and so much more.

Check it all out next sunday and don’t forget to say hi to me!