
interior & design

Perfect Little Love Nest

By | interior & design, travel | No Comments


This looks like the perfect ‘Little Love Nest’. We are dreaming about a small hideaway near the beach. Something simple and within nature. No hustle & bustle, computers, I-phones just good company, food, games, conversation, cuddling and sleep.

This treehouse consisting out of three different spaces is built by Peter Bahouth in Atlanta. Check out more here.


A peak into my workspace (by Sophia van den Hoek)

By | interior & design, Lennebelle jewelry | No Comments


These photo’s were taken some time ago and now my workspace is again totally different. I keep moving stuff around and it gets filled up with more and more stock, packinging material, moodboards and inspirational items. I moved my table to the big window which is a huge difference with the daylight coming in directly. I work best with fresh flowers around me. Soon I will also need a nice display area to show the different Lennebelle and Lennebelle Petites Collections.

All images are made by Sophia van den Hoek. Check out more of here work here.

Creating time

By | interior & design | One Comment


Having more focus and knowing better what my priorities are also meant a better time management and realizing that I had to skip some things that are really so much fun to do but are too much. For example minishop Confetti, I put my heart and soul in this project in 2012 and loved creating the look, coming up with a name, getting all the great small labels together. For me it felt I had all the items that I really find beautiful, in one place. It took me some time and a lot of convincing from my better half to take the step and let it go.

So hereby I want to thank all the designers that participated for their enthusiasm and  joining my shop!

Confetti has stopped but you can continue shopping all the pretty handmade products via their own websites or at other shops.

Miga de Pan, Twinklebird, Iefke de Roos, Elke van den Berg, Mae Engelgeer, Niche, Keecie, De Draad


Summer in the city and the city garden shop

By | interior & design, treats & treasures | 4 Comments

fotoIt’s summer in the city and finally we finished our rooftop terrace. We can enter the terrace from our bedroom and it has sun all day long. The perfect spot for relaxing, reading, working (why not), playing & bathing Mette, having a bbq with friends or morning coffee! The furniture is custom made by Guido Marsille. It’s like Tetris, you can move it around any way you want. We can also make a huge day bed by connecting both benches and little tables together!

Last but not least I love our terrace to be a green spot in the middle of the city. I try to grow Clematis from the drainpipe and there will be a big planter from 2,5 meters on the left side where I want to grow a small home garden with vegetables. I am not so good with plants, not the owner of a pair of so called ‘green fingers’. I was so happy when I discovered we have a ‘City Garden shop’ in town called ‘Stek’. They are here to make the city a greener place and to give advise and inspiration. Can’t wait to find time, go there and plant my lettuce and carrots! (Will be fun together with Mette in the future.


Recent Instagram pics

By | arts & crafts, interior & design | One Comment

1. Our cosy kitty who will soon have to share some attention 2 new lights in the babyroom; custommade coconuts from Thailand 3 Xmas tree in our B&B in Buenos Aires from last year. Hope to have a tree like that next year! 4 Detail from our workspace 5 Gold plated multi tassel bracelets from Lennebelle for Lou Lou and Restored 6 Pretty vases bought at Swanmarket XL

I love to check out Instagram pics. You can see mine by using the username; Lennebelle

The babyroom is almost finished!

By | interior & design | 3 Comments

Here a sneak preview from the babyroom. Only 6 weeks left. You can imagine I am counting the days till she is joining us and we will be like a real family not just a couple with a cat! I am starting to look forward to it more and more and getting more excited and even a bit nervous.

We have a really nice new camera, the Canon 5D Mark III so Joey is very happy with his new toy and is practicing at the moment to make pretty shots. Most of them are from me with my growing belly. Check out the Dutch magazine, Ouders van Nu in the near future, you will probably find some photos in there^-^

Last weekend I had my suprise babyshower! It was so much fun and I got really spoilt with all kinds of presents. Today I made a canopy for the cradle and tomorrow I will start making the baby card. A nice new little project to keep busy (never problems with that !)

Check out more photos at Joey’s blog; Cloud Cuckoo.

Finishing touch at home

By | interior & design | No Comments

The end of all hard work in our new house is coming closer!

Evertything is painted, walls have been build, new windows have been placed etc. Now it’s time for the finishing touch. Getting everything cosy and with a personal touch. I know this takes time. Just live in your home and it will turn into your warm and cosy nest. We are still in search for some missing pieces like, curtains, roofterras furniture, lamps and more. I like these chairs in black for our attic working space and for storage of books I like the simple wooden boxes on the wall, like these ones.

As soon as it’s finished I will post some photos how it all turned out! Above images I collected on Tumblr for inspiration. Sources and more images can be found at my Tumblr.

The room for la petite inspired by our trip in Argentina

By | graphic eye candy, interior & design | 2 Comments

The room for the baby is a cosy corner room with lots of light because of three large windows with stained glass. It has white wooden floor and white walls. The rest is up to us to decorate and make it  a pretty and comfortable room for our little girl.

The room is  inspired by our trip into the Andes near Salta, Argentina where we visited the Valley of the Cacti. The stuffed cactus I bought over there (her first baby toy  ^_^) The curtains will be made by Iefke de Roos. She will dye and print the fabric like the bags that I sell at minishop Confetti. It’s hard to choose; feather or cactus? Pink or green? It does not have to be all girly so I prefer the cactus, my love prefers the feathers (what do you think?)

We found the rug in El Cafayate. The lamp is the ‘chestnut origami lamp’ by Snowpuppe and the super cute ‘Rainy day mini blanket’ by Donna Wilson.

I could not choose between Mabel the giraff or Ander, the lion is from Miga the Pan. I choose Ander, the lion, he is a bit handicaped because he misses one ear, but it makes him much less dangerous and better to keep her company while sleeping. The baby bed we found after searching for something else then everything you find at babystores is the ‘crisis bed’ by Piet Hein Eek. I love it!

We are still looking for a nice dresser. Any reccomandations are very welcome. At this moment I am thinking of a second hand piece and paint it in a nice colour. I love the paint by Studio IJM.