This month minishop Confetti got some nice media exposure. VT Wonen Magazine, my favourite Dutch interior read, used a Mea Engelgeer bow towel and a Elke van de Berg Field Bouquet spoon. Delicious Magazine, used a bowl and a spoon by Elke in their ‘kitchen garden’ shoot! And I did a small interview for Flow Magazine online which you can read here.
The new and upcoming North of Rotterdam has a new gem, Koster + Korstanje run by Olga and Christina. Both bag designers (Terra-g and O*) they showcase their own designs and other bags & accesories!
I love the interior and this piece of Rotterdam is getting the right vibe with great new and inspirational places and super friendly people. Made by lennebelle is also sold here, yeah! I love how Olga wears the single tassel necklace!
Needle in the haystack is a new online platform for young designers where you can find handmade and unique items from accesories, jewelry, fashion to interior. The website Nith (Needle in the haystack) will be online next week. Nith has it’s own corner in the cosy boutique and lunchroom Beter & Leuk (Better & Fun) in Amsterdam. Last sunday I went there for a delicious breakfast and to check out the display of Made by lennebelle!
In search for those grandmother products that stand the test of time? No need for high tec gadgets? This is the place to be! You will find you true oldtime favourites at Labour and Wait in London. Check out their online shop!
This online shop will take some of your time. Billet is a Japanese site but unfortunately it is not possible to order when you don’t understand their language. But still inspiring!
Exploring the internet on a daily basis makes you come across all these creative, inspiring people and their works. Here you can splurge yourself in all the beauty bloggers have to offer!
This time some Dutch designers!
♥ Folklore plates by Nina in Vorm ➔ Blog ➔ Shop
♥ Pretty fabric bags, cushions and funny tape at Tas-ka➔ Blog ➔ Shop ➔Site
Exploring the internet on a daily basis makes you come across all these creative, inspiring people and their works. Here you can splurge yourself in all the beauty bloggers have to offer!
♥ X-mastree hangers by The Style Files shop Le Souk ➔ Blog ➔ Shop
♥ Ceramic fortune cookies by Yoga Goat➔ Blog ➔ Shop ( I got one with ‘Dream’!)
Exploring the internet on a daily basis makes you come across all these creative, inspiring people and their works. Here you can splurge yourself in all the beauty bloggers have to offer!
♥ Book ‘Simply Breakfast’ by Jennifer Causey
Little story:
Capturing her morning breakfast for one year resulted in this pretty book! Her november favourite breakfast is: Toasted english muffin, over easy egg + pesto.
♥ Wooden handmade spoons by Nikole Herriott
Little story:
Nikole and her father almost live 5.000 miles apart and send eachother packages. He loves to make things out of wood like bowls and spoons. After Nikole received a few she asked If he would like to share his craftmanship with others: ” he said he only wanted to sell to people that would understand the time he had spent,
the effort he had placed.” This is the result.
Exploring the internet on a daily basis makes you come across all these creative, inspiring people and their works. Here you can splurge yourself in all the beauty bloggers have to offer!
♥ Postcard set by Heather Smith Jones ➔ Blog ➔Shop ➔Etsy ➔Site
♥ T-shirt by Garance Dore for Gap ➔ Blog
This Japanese shop Cinq Design looks amazing! Too bad it is not around the corner. Beautifull cutlery, pretty booklets and notebooks, bags, candles and a lot more! Get inspired over here.