We take turns on who is sleeping in in the weekends! Mette is an early bird and the weekend is no exception! Between 5.30 and 7 am it is time to ‘rise & shine’ is her opinion, preferably with a peanut butter sandwich. Last sunday it was my turn!
Because of busy times with Lennebelle Petites and being almost 20 weeks pregnant our bed is my favorite spot by far! With a fresh made bed with our new crispy white bed linen (a gift from Auping! so soft!), the sun shining in and a good breakfast I enjoy it even more!
In a few months we will be sharing our bedroom with a little baby again. Hopefully I will spend much more time here by that time then I do now! Cuddling, feeding, singing, reading and lots of sleeping, I can’t wait! (Auping Straight Stitch in white)