Summer in the city and the city garden shop

fotoIt’s summer in the city and finally we finished our rooftop terrace. We can enter the terrace from our bedroom and it has sun all day long. The perfect spot for relaxing, reading, working (why not), playing & bathing Mette, having a bbq with friends or morning coffee! The furniture is custom made by Guido Marsille. It’s like Tetris, you can move it around any way you want. We can also make a huge day bed by connecting both benches and little tables together!

Last but not least I love our terrace to be a green spot in the middle of the city. I try to grow Clematis from the drainpipe and there will be a big planter from 2,5 meters on the left side where I want to grow a small home garden with vegetables. I am not so good with plants, not the owner of a pair of so called ‘green fingers’. I was so happy when I discovered we have a ‘City Garden shop’ in town called ‘Stek’. They are here to make the city a greener place and to give advise and inspiration. Can’t wait to find time, go there and plant my lettuce and carrots! (Will be fun together with Mette in the future.
